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GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K 数字输入模块

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型号:VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K

GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K 数字输入模块

GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K 数字输入模块  产品详情

GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K 数字输出模块是一种专门用于产业自动化和掌握体系的装备,具备多种显著的产物特征:

  1. 数字旌旗灯号吸收与监测:该模块的主要功效是吸收和监测数字输出旌旗灯号。这些旌旗灯号通常是离散的二进制旌旗灯号,比方开关状况、传感器状况、按钮状况等。它否以或许将这些输出旌旗灯号通报给掌握体系停止处置惩罚,从而兑现对产业装备的精确掌握。
  2. 广泛的运用范畴:该数字输出模块实用于各种运用范畴,包含电力产业、制造业、化工产业、煤油和天然气行业、修建自动化等。它否以或许用于监测和掌握临盆装备、传感器和操纵职员的输出旌旗灯号,以履行掌握操纵或记载状况。
  3. 与多种体系兼容:VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K 数字输出模块通常与产业掌握体系和PLC(否编程逻辑掌握器)一起运用,以监测和掌握产业历程。这种广泛的兼容性使得该模块否以或许顺应不同的产业自动化需要。
  4. 灵活性与否扩展性:该模块支撑多种输出类别,否以或许设置装备摆设为吸收不同类别的数字旌旗灯号。此外,它还否以或许与其他模块和体系停止集成,以建立更大范围的产业自动化体系。这种灵活性和否扩展性使得该模块否以或许顺应不同的运用场景和需要。

总之,GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K 数字输出模块以其数字旌旗灯号吸收与监测功效、广泛的运用范畴、与多种体系的兼容性以及灵活性和否扩展性等特征,为产业自动化和掌握体系供给了高效、否靠的办理计划。



product details 

The GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K digital output module is a device specifically designed for industrial automation and control systems, with various significant product features:
Digital signal absorption and monitoring: The main function of this module is to absorb and monitor digital output signals. These signals are usually discrete binary signals, such as switch conditions, sensor conditions, button conditions, etc. It is possible for it to report these output signals to the control system to stop punishment and achieve precise control of industrial equipment.
Widely applicable: This digital output module is practical in various application areas, including the power industry, manufacturing industry, chemical industry, kerosene and natural gas industry, construction automation, etc. It may be used to monitor and master the output signals of labor equipment, sensors, and operators, in order to perform control or record the situation.
Compatible with multiple systems: VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K digital output modules are typically used in conjunction with industry control systems and PLCs (programmable logic controllers) to monitor and master industry processes. This broad compatibility makes it possible for this module to meet the automation needs of different industries.
Flexibility or scalability: This module supports multiple output categories, and may be equipped to absorb digital signals from different categories. In addition, it may also cease integration with other modules and systems to establish a larger range of industrial automation systems. This flexibility and scalability enable the module to adapt to different application scenarios and needs.
In summary, the GE VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K digital output module provides efficient and reliable processing plans for industrial automation and control systems due to its digital signal absorption and monitoring capabilities, wide range of applications, compatibility with multiple systems, and flexibility and scalability.

Brand: GE
Model: VME-7807RC-410001350-93007807-410001 K
Product Name: Digital Input Module
Product net width: 53mm
Product net height: 125mm
Product net depth/length: 260 millimeters
Net weight of the product: 0.7 kilograms
Minimum order quantity: 1 piece
Origin: United States



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